2025 Summer Program

Summer Camp Programs

Preschool - Grade 6 Camp Options

Dates: June 30th – July 25th, July 28th – August 22nd

SLI The Sidney Ledson School’s Preschool Summer Program offers preschoolers, ages 2 to 4 years, the best of the Ledson Reading and Learning methods in successfully introducing our youngest students to the world of learning. Children learn foundation Math and English in group seatwork and learn to read through one-on-one instruction. For Carpet Time, campers engage in guided group discussions to expand their knowledge of the physical world. Carpet Time also provides social interaction while they actively participate in story time, music, crafts, show and tell, and physical activities. (cap at 5 students)

Please note that preschoolers have to meet camp eligibility requirements:

  • They must display the ability to follow and comply with teacher instruction.
  • They must be potty-trained or 90% there.

The Kindergarten program for 4 and 5 year olds is a fully in-person academic camp offering campers an introduction and advancement in academic subjects based on individual learning levels. Campers are introduced to curriculum Math and English subjects to give them a head start on grade-level learning for the upcoming school year. They learn to read through one-on-one instruction and build on critical thinking skills through various literary texts. STEM subjects are introduced to this group at a beginner level through simplified Coding exercises. For Carpet Time, students actively participate in group discussions on a variety of subjects including but not exclusive to Science, History, Story Telling, Character Skills, Life Skills, and International Themes. Kindergarten students participate in themed weekly workshops instructed for their age group. Campers enjoy both structured and free outdoor activities such as team games, hiking, drama, and art. Students enjoy a structured Phys Ed program as well as free outdoor play.

Campers will have an opportunity for an enriched learning experience in core curriculum subjects, integrated with instruction in relevant STEM topics that are selected each year by our experienced curriculum development team. Campers will learn how they can use English, Math, and Research skills to bridge creative writing and profit, to build and present an informed opinion, to budget and invest wisely, as well as to extend their skills learned in presentation techniques to present their projects before an audience. Besides the opportunity to progress in their curriculum subjects (English and Math) for an advantage before the next academic year, campers will explore advanced STEM subjects that are broken down to engage their grade level. Running on weekly themed sessions, from June 30th to August 22nd (9:00 am to 12:00 pm), campers will have an introduction to Short Story Writing, creating eBooks, Digital Art, Debate based on Current Events, Research, Financial Literacy (Personal Budgeting, Entrepreneurship, and Investments), and Computer Science. The afternoon session offers campers a unique experience through weekly themed workshops and activities in Art, Architecture, and Engineering. They will learn Science using a hands-on approach investigating mysteries in Science, through an understanding of the Science of Structures, Chemistry, and Physics. Campers will learn about Music through Drumming and different musical instruments around the world. Finally, they will look at solving mysteries and immersing themselves in the amazing world of Magic. Campers research and investigate themed topics, get innovative and creative in expressing what they have learned, work in teams for themed projects, and build their confidence in public speaking and presentation of their work. Campers engage in both team sports and physical activities as well as enjoy the social interaction and the natural environment as they hike with friends.

The Exam Prep Program is an in-person eight-week Exam Prep course in the summer, followed by an integrated Academic-SSAT/ISEE Fall prep program for SLI students or a weekend SSAT/ISEE Fall Prep program for external students. This prep course is offered to students who are currently in Grade 5 and Grade 7, seeking admission to much-sought private schools, and are planning to write their SSAT/ISEE/In-School Admission Exams in the Fall / Winter of 2025. Contact the school for details. (cap 12 students)

Campers from Grades 1 to 6 are required to bring their own laptops with a functioning mic, webcam, and Chrome browser installed (a gmail.com email address is required for access). The laptops are needed for STEM, coding, and research.

Campers in Kindergarten are also required to bring a device, and have the option of using either a laptop or a tablet computer.

Camp Group

Available Weeks


Preschool Camp (PreK)

Please check with the camp director for the eligibility of the camper and the availability of spots.

Week 1: June 30 – July 4 (closed on July 1st)

Week 2: July 7 – 11

Week 3: July 14 – 18

Week 4: July 21 – 25

Week 5: July 28 – Aug 1

Week 6: August 5 – 8 (closed on August 4th)

Week 7: August 11 – 15

Week 8: August 18 – 22

5 days / week: $475 / week

4 days / week: $400 / week

3 days / week: $315 / week

Kinder, Junior, Middle and Senior Camps (JK – Grade 6)

Week 1: June 30 – July 4 (closed on July 1st)

Week 2: July 7 – 11

Week 3: July 14 – 18

Week 4: July 21 – 25

Week 5: July 28 – Aug 1

Week 6: August 5 – 8 (closed on August 4th)

Week 7: August 11 – 15

Week 8: August 18 – 22

5 days / week: $445 / week

Week 1: $356

Week 6: $356

SSAT Camp (Grades 5 – 7)

Session 1: June 30 – July 25 (open on July 1st)

Session 2: July 28 – August 22 (closed on August 5th)

$3200 – $3350 / 4-week session

Before School Care, from 7:45 am, and After School Care, until 5:30 pm, are available. Please see the registration form for details.

Campers will be required to bring their own lunch, two snacks, and beverages from home.

Email admissions@sidneyledsoninstitute.ca for camp availability and registration.

Letter from the Principal

SLI The Sidney Ledson School is pleased to invite campers this summer, from June 30th to August 22nd, to two of its popular summer programs: SLI’s exciting multi-activity on-site summer camp, for 3 to 12 year old campers, and SLI’s comprehensive SSAT / ISEE prep program, for middle and upper-level exam prep students.

The multi-activity summer camp program offers campers, from ages 3 to 12 years, a variety of both academically enriching subjects and stimulating theme-based activities. In the morning session, students will engage in Math and English subjects to reinforce concepts and work ahead of their grade level curriculum. Through weekly STEM sessions, campers will be introduced to entrepreneurship, financial literacy, problem-solving, and creativity. The afternoon program features different theme-based workshops and activities every week; campers are introduced to the worlds of Art, Architecture and Engineering, Sciences, Science Mystery, and Magic. Campers are presented opportunities to question, investigate, observe and participate in practical, hands-on workshops, and apply themselves through innovation and creative expression. Working together, campers develop skills in teamwork and build their own confidence in public presentations and debate. The program incorporates daily outdoor and indoor sports to promote physical fitness, as well as hiking through the Betty Sutherland Trail to provide campers an opportunity to learn about their natural environment.

The SSAT / ISEE Summer Prep course has been offered as an exclusive program to SLI and select students since 2002 and has maintained a track-record of student success in writing the exam. For this eight-week summer course, students completing Grade 5 and Grade 7 in June 2025 and who are planning to write the exam in the Fall / Winter of 2025 are invited to apply for the course. There is limited availability for the prep program and inquiries can be made directly via e-mail or phone.

The school will continue to remain vigilant to COVID-19 health and safety measures. Class sizes will be capped at 12 students maximum, and enrolment will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Camp Programs from Past Years


A Glimpse of 2020 Camp Activities (Political Debate) and Student STEM Projects (Coding and Fin Lit)

Junior Elementary (Gr 1 and 2) 2020 Summer Camp App Development Project Coded with Javascript (Animal Research, Journalism Content)

Senior Elementary (Gr 5 – 6) 2020 Summer Camp Debate Snippet (Civics/ Political Science, Improvisational Public Speaking, Global Citizenship Environmental Science)

Financial Literacy, Formulaic Writing, and HTML CSS Website Development Project by Gr 3 Student at SLI 2020 Summer Camp

SLI Summer Parent, Ilana, Reflects on her 2020 Kinder Camp Experience

Ilana Reviews SLI's Delivery of a Virtual Learning Experience

An Interview with OurKids Media about the SLI Camps